Thursday, August 8, 2013

Weyr to young louis vuitton belt uk Katelin

He dresses to impress, and you would be hardpressed to discover him searching the least bit unkempt. K'lin's wardrobe is as extensive as his extended list of weyrmates and he is continuously adding to it. If it really is extravagant and flashy, you are able to bet this bronzerider is going find an chance to wear it, gather or not. Almost everything about his wellkept appearance is tailored towards impressing everyone he meets, particularly if those folks happen to be eye-catching ladies or men.
Exceptional Qualities: He's the deceased Weyrleaders Katelin and Z'lex's son. Kelin just isn't a morning individual. He wakes slowly and only together with the help of a minimum of one glass of klah. Receiving him out of bed in the morning is hazardous and any one attempting it runs the threat of a pillow, followed shortly by a fist, in their face.Likes: Skirt(or man)chasing, a superb joke, spending time with his dragon and/or somehow managing to wring a laugh out on the beast, dancing, getting the center of interest, fire lizards, dragons, and getting his way.Dislikes: Becoming outshone or ignored, meaningless hostility or volatile conditions, whers, getting forgotten, sitting around and getting lazy, and prissy girls.Strengths: An overabundance of energy and also a seemingly limitless sense of humor, loyal to a fault, friendly and outgoing, determined and unwavering. Includes a continuous ought to assist those around him and is most at ease when he has the room in his thrall and he can make people today smile.
Weaknesses: Very easily hurt by words, refuses to take most factors seriously, at times takes jokes as well far, reads an excessive amount of into situations, is relentless in his proddings of his twin or these close to him. He has an obsessive nature that, as soon as he's fixated on anything or a person, leads him to unwaveringly pursue that object till it is actually his. Very jealous and regarded rather goofy and irresponsible.
Background: Kelin was born at Crescent Weyr to young louis vuitton belt uk Katelin of Yueth and Bronzerider Z'lex of Alaskath as a solution with the junior queen's initial mating flight. His mother, only sixteen turns in the time had a lengthy, sickly pregnancy that somehow resulted within a wholesome child that they named Kelin. As was custom Katelin wasn't allowed, and certainly did not have sufficient time, to raise her own youngster. So Kelin was fostered off and placed in the crche. She nevertheless visited the boy whenever she could and when she accepted a transfer to Aerten Weyr two turns later, created sure Kelin was brought along.
The young youngster was only three turns old when the flood came, gradually filling the Weyr till it was unusable. Katelin became deathly ill and whatever strange sickness had taken hold of her also spread to Z'lex and quite a few on the other Weyrfolk. Becoming pregnant again in the time, Katelin succumbed and the badly threadscored Z'lex followed quickly right after. With out their only queenrider and with Aerten Weyr in shambles, the remaining weyrfolk fled to other Weyrs and Kelin was brought along to Fort Weyr by certainly one of his mother's oldest pals, Bluerider Az'uka.

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